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Struggles of dance classes for toddlers.

Unite Stage Academy

Updated: Nov 4, 2024

We have the solution.

We see so often that parents are apprehensive about placing their little ones into dance classes because, well let's face it they may not like it!

Parents do not want to get stuck in a terms notice, or monthly cancellation, or extra charges that they simply don't really need.

So why not PAYG DANCE?

This class is designed for parents who:

1: Not sure if their child will actually enjoy the classes and need more than one trial session to decide.

2: Can't commit to each week.

3: Sometimes struggle to get out of bed on a Saturday morning, we know we do!

4: Want to make sure that Unite is the right environment for them.

Is it worth it?

Well why would it not be?

You get to see your child participate in a friendly, loving, fun environment, that works on their motor skills in an imaginative way, with the use of storytelling and props.

Your child will participate in all three genres of dance, being Ballet, Modern Jazz and Tap. Yes believe it or not the children LOVE tap, it's noisy.

Your child will meet new friends outside of their social circle, and learn new skills each week.

They will progress, and you will see a difference in their confidence and skills within 6 weeks.


I think if you have read this far, then you should just come along and give one lesson ago. We promise you that we know exactly what you and your child need from classes, and we can promise you that experience.



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